Friday, June 27, 2008

A good week

Following the happiness at the doctor's office the other day (who would have ever thought I'd write happy and doctor in the same sentence), it's been a very good week. Make great choices at the sushi restaurant yesterday (and even planned in a few of my high calorie favorites), which is VERY hard for me. It's interesting, though, eating out now is getting to be a game. "Let's see how great I can do, still eat good food, and stay within my guidelines" is my new way to go out to eat. I leave the restaurant proud of myself and not stuffed so full I'm uncomfortable. Not only is that a huge accomplishment for me, but it is a radical change from how I've always done things.

Yesterday while I was in the shower, I used body soap instead of my regular liquid soap and a poof. I could definitely tell my thighs are smaller. I look in the mirror and can see my face is thinner. My clothes are baggier and the distance from belly to the steering wheel in my car is further. All this and I still have 60 pounds to go. I can only imagine how great I'll look and feel when I get closer to goal.

Oh, and I want rollerskates. Am I crazy, or what? And I'm pissed they don't have the lightup wheels in my size.

I can't wait for people to stop wondering what is different about me and realize it's weight loss.

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