Wednesday, June 4, 2008


"I can't wait until I can fit into some of your cute clothes", I said to my size 8 daughter. "No offense, Mom, but you've been saying that for 5 years now.", was the reply.


But, she is right. So many times I've started, said the same things to everyone, including myself. And so many times I blew it.

So, other than that comment and this blog (that no one is reading - yet), I'm keeping it to myself this time around. Sure, the family knows I'm exercising, but I'll just make it matter-of-fact until I'm a few months into it - or they start noticing I'm getting smaller.

And just for the record, Pilates is HARD. Holy crap. I can feel my abs all day long after I've done my hour of hell exercise. But, someday, when all this belly fat is gone, my abs that were hiding all that time while I worked them to death, are going to be unearthed and they will be gorgeous! I know they are there, believe me, they are screaming at me today.

I thought about starting or ending all my posts with one thing I hate about being fat (yes, I am) and out of shape. But that is too damn negative and I've been far too negative with myself for WAY too long. So, I'm going to end each post with something I'm looking forward to. Much better positive energy, I think. So...

I can't wait to be proud of myself for my accomplishments.

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