Friday, June 20, 2008

Look Mom, your butt is smaller!

Who thought I'd ever hear that? But it's true! I'm comfortably in a size smaller jeans. I was daydreaming on the treadmill this morning (freaking hate that thing) and when I hit goal, it's conceivable that I could be in a size 8. 8!!! Whoa. I cannot remember when I was that size last.

Tuesday afternoon I tweeked something in my back. 4 years ago I threw out my lower back and spent WEEKS in agony (worst than labor!), so when my lower back is really hurting, I listen and take care of it. Took Wednesday and Thursday off from exercise and got a massage Wednesday night, which really helped. I probably could have exercised on Thursday, but I wanted to be sure. This morning I walked for my longest yet on the dreadmill (hey!! I like that!!) - 45 minutes. Then did some upper body exercises and crunches. I feel FABULOUS today.

Food this week was great - except Wednesday night. I don't know what got into me, but it wasn't real pretty. Unlike every other freaking time I've tried to do this, I didn't let it get to me and proceed to blow the rest of the week. I got up Thursday and got right back on it. I think that is something I really need to learn. One bad meal or day doesn't ruin all my hard work. Means I'm not perfect and the most important thing is to get right back on track. Perfect people are boring anyway. Who wants to be boring? *grin*

I can't wait to be out of the 20's sizes FOREVER. Watch out cutie clothes stores, I'm on my way!

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