Monday, June 16, 2008

Yea me!

I don't ever mean for there to be so many days between posts, but exercising twice a day, 6 days a week and meal planning is so time consuming. Not to mention exhausting. But, I've been keeping up with it and I can really see major changes. My belly is shrinking, my butt is firming up and I feel so much better. I went on a slightly longer, harder hike on Sunday and I was so proud of myself. It felt great to be outside and pushing myself. My time rocked! More than 2 mile per hour! Yea me!

On the pre-diabetes front, things are going really well. After eating what I thought was a good breakfast (high fiber english muffin, 1 T. peanut butter and 1/2 banana) my sugar was 26 points higher than what it should be. That made me realize that, as much as I hate doing it, I need to journal my food and watch my carbs. *insert much sighing* After only a few days, my numbers are coming in at right around, or less than, normal levels!! I still hate sticking my fingers, but I don't plan on doing it for much longer.

While searching YouTube for some upper body exercises, I came across one with a link to a site called Spark People. What a great site! Their nutrition tracker is very easy to use with a large database and since it is on the web, I can also add things at work. That way, no surprises at the end of the day. They also have teams and boards where I've already met some really nice people facing the same issues I am.

So, overall I'd say things are going really well.

I can't wait to NEVER weigh over 200 pounds EVER again.

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