Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Reality check


That word was enough to seriously scare the shit out of me. My doctor didn't like my numbers on my blood sugar test for the physical I drug myself to last month, so she ordered a 2 hour glucose test where the vampires suck out your blood 4 times over 2 hours after drinking this disgusting tang-like crap. Anyway, I was called on Monday asking me to come in to discuss. Not "let's talk on the phone", no it was "we need to see you this week". Bah.

So, in I go this morning and she tells me that while yes, the numbers are above normal, it isn't serious. But, untreated it could be. She went on to describe what can happen in full-blown diabetes and it wasn't pretty. I nearly wanted to toss my Cheerios all over the tissue paper covered table. Either way, it was reality slapping me right upside the head.

What's the plan? Continue to lose weight (I'd lost weight since my last appointment with her, so she was happy about that.), keep up the exercise, cut back on carbs and eat every 3-4 hours. Oh, and jam a little needle in my finger 5 times a day. Yee-freaking-ha! Do you know much it hurts? Guess not as much as it could if I lost my damn leg, so I should suck it up. Right?

I go back in 10 days and have to bring a log with me of all my results and I need to get one other blood test done, which she thinks will be alright. If I can keep up with what I'm supposed to do and lose more weight, we will stay with the plan. If not, on oral meds I go and I'm considered diabetic. And if I still continue to screw it up, I can look forward to injections.

Gee, if that isn't incentive to stick with it, what the hell else is? (ETA - Stick??? Ha!! I crack myself up!)

In keeping with my goal of closing my posts with positive thoughts - I can't wait until all my bloodwork is excellent.

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